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Meet Our Artists
Oil Paintings
Acrylic Paintings
Watercolor Paintings
Mixed Media
Art by Barbara Wastrack
Art by Bonnie Davis
Art by Carolyn Wear
Art by Judee Donahue
Art by Kristina McCormick
Creations by Larry Wear
Art by Linda Thompson
Art By Patrick Shane Wilson
Art by Victoria Antoine-Fisher
Digital Art
Giclee Prints
Kristina McCormick
Sold Paintings
Fine Art Photography by Paul Waitzman
Acrylic Gouache on Illustration Board
Art by Sanda Bishop
Canvas Prints
Jewelry Creations
Creations from the Man Cave
Art by Molly Thorn
Jewelry by Linda McKinney
Woodcrafts by Anthony Tank
Groups List
Inclined To Design
Art Store
Bonnie Braunius
Terry Robertson
Edie Wagner
Eva Behring
David Wilson
Potter's Field Stoneware
Randi Gross
Stephanie Gile
Whitney Henry
Barb Hendricks
Dei Weaver
Diane Waters
13.5” choker with 4.5 and 5 inch drops
20” Necklace
Four strand 6.25 inch bracelet
Seven inch bracelet
Wire Earrings
Teal and Gold Necklace and Earring Set
Red, Brown, and Beige Necklace
Yellow, red, green, and purple necklace
Rose gold necklace with pendent and arrow
Beauty Peacock Necklace Set
White Cameo
Two Strand Necklace with Earrings
Pendant and earring set
Blue Necklace
Seed Bead Necklace and Earring Set
Multi colored beaded necklace and matching earrings
Turquoise and copper necklace